Signage in Hackney

content © SW

Signage in Hackney

A design guide to instruct the phased implementation of a new signage family across Hackney housing estates – introducing a more accessible and contemporary identity, and reducing a number of superfluous signage types.

London Borough of Hackney
- m2
Project dates
Design Code: June 2016 – October 2016
Services provided
Architectural Design Code
Design team
  • Polimekanos (Graphic Design)

  • Hackney Homes (Consultation Collaborator)

  • Mulalley & Co (Implementation Contractor)

Project type
Feasibility & StrategyPublication & Research
Use type

Studio Weave were commissioned to develop The ‘Hackney Signage Design Code’ to instruct the phased implementation of a new signage family across Hackney housing estates. The guide is a complementary addendum to the ‘Hackney Colour Design Code’, also by Studio Weave.

The signage family for each estate is deduced from a borough-wide specification governing: functional need, graphic style, placement and size. A common set of icons were supplemented by a number of typefaces selected to be appropriate to the different architectural characters across the borough. In addition to defining new signage required, the guide illustrated assessment criteria for considering removal or renewal of existing signage - for example: redundance of excessively authoritative instructions; and renovation of attractive building identifiers.

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