Narrow Way

Narrow Way

A temporary public realm and landscape scheme for Hackney Council to provide an opportunity to engage local citizens – including design and specification and installation of seating, planting and temporary paint.

London Borough of Hackney
2200 m2
Project dates
Design & Construction: May 2013 – Oct 2014
Services provided
Public Realm Concept, Developed Design and Delivery (RIBA St2-6)
Design team

Xoan Perez – Loving Your Garden (Horticulture)

Project type
Landscape & Public Realm
Use type
Community & Education

Studio Weave were commissioned by Hackney in 2013 to design a temporary public realm scheme. The scheme provided an opportunity to engage local citizens about how the High Street may change – including design and specification and installation of seating and planting. The project prototyped various extents of pedestrianisation using temporary paint; encouraging feedback from the public and allowing people to imagine a pedestrian friendly future.