Hackney ‘Wick First’ Development

visualisations © NBV Studio

Hackney ‘Wick First’ Development

A mixed-use development around Hackney Wick Station, with Studio Weave designing: a 23-unit affordable residential building on top of the station, with 500m2 commercial ground floor space; 4000m2 of public realm including the station square, and 1470m2 of residential amenity space across four plots.

Notting Hill Genesis
3250 m2
Project dates
Design: July 2020 - August 2022
Services provided
Architecture Concept, Developed & Technical Design (RIBA St 1-4a); Public Realm Concept, Developed & Technical Design (RIBA St 1-4b)
Design team
  • Hawkins\Brown (Lead Consultant, Plot Architect);

  • Delvendahl Martin Architects (Plot Architect);

  • Pell Frischmann (Structural Engineers);

  • FHPP (MEP Engineers);

  • Energist (Sustainability & Energy);

  • Energist (Horticulture);

  • Calford Seaden (Daylight Sunlight);

  • Sweco (Traffic & HVM);

  • Lighting Design House (Lighting);

  • CMA (Planning Consultant);

  • Aecom (Cost Consultant);

  • Equans (formerly Engie – Development Partner)

Project type
ArchitectureLandscape & Public Realm
Use type
ResidentialRetail & Workspace

Studio Weave formed part of a multi-disciplinary design team collaborating to develop a scheme for the centre and station square of Hackney Wick - alongside Hawkins/Brown & Delvendhal-Martin. Our scope included both a residential housing plot on top of Hackney Wick Station, and leading landscape design across the public realm and residential amenity space.

Overall, the scheme includes four separate sites including 193 homes and approximately 4000m2 of commercial space, over 4000m2 of public space, and 1470m2 of residential amenity space.

The landscape design establishes a piece of mature town centre infrastructure around the existing station; maximising urban greening, spaces to dwell and around ground floor activation and informal play, and coordinated servicing and security requirements.

Our Plot ‘J East’ - the most prominent and complex site within the development - fronts the new public square and interfaces with the adjacent upgraded Hackney Wick Station concourse and associated Network Rail assets. The plot contains twenty-three affordable housing units in a 6 storey building, designed in accordance with the LLDC Masterplan and Design Guide; reflecting the context through well-proportioned and articulated brickwork which complements the locally significant Everett House flank wall opposite.